PEM's StickScrew SystemPEM's StickScrew System
September 27, 2010

The PEM(R) StickScrew(R)System for small-screw insertion has been re-engineered with a new lower-costStickShooter(TM) driver, offering the capability to accommodateinterchangeable nose assemblies and allow for quick tooling changeover. Theself-contained system combines the lightweight air-powered driver with "sticks"of serially connected hex head screws enabling automatic screw installationwithout handling loose screws or driving them manually.
The StickScrew System promotestorque reliability (due to seating torque built into the screw), increasedproductivity, and safer screw insertion. The system can be up-and-running withminimal operator training.
Dozensof serially connected hex head screws are supplied in "sticks" with lengths of12 inch. Screws install by inserting the stick in the driver, advancing thestick of screws, squeezing the trigger, and placing the tip of the rotatingscrew into the hole. The screw is then driven home and twists off cleanly whenprecise seating torque is achieved.
The standard, in-stock product line includes thread-cuttingscrews from #2-56 to #6-32 and M3 in 400 series stainless steel. Otheravailable types and sizes include machine screws and thread-forming screws in avariety of materials, including steel, brass, and aluminum, and in thread sizesfrom #0-80 to #8-32 and M1 to M4. Screws can be plated, black oxidized,hardened, and otherwise customized to meet application requirements.
Detailedspecifications (see PEM Bulletin SST) and video of the StickScrew System inaction can be found at
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