Watch the Full ESC Silicon Valley Keynote: 'A New Approach to AI is Forming'Watch the Full ESC Silicon Valley Keynote: 'A New Approach to AI is Forming'
Gunnar Newquist, founder and CEO of Brain2Bot, delivers a keynote at ESC Silicon Valley 2017 discussing his work to replace the “artificial” in artificial intelligence, with a new word - “natural.”
December 14, 2017

“Where are our robot buddies?” Gunnar Newquist, founder and CEO of Brain2Bot asked the Embedded Systems Conference (ESC) Silicon Valley audience last week.
Artificial intelligence has promised us a lot of things, but what we really want is robots like R2D2 – smart, adaptable companions that can work and play alongside us in our day-to-day lives. It's a monumental task, but one that Newquist believes we can attain if we take a cue from natural and the animals and insects living around us already.
Brain2Bot is working to apply the concepts of neuroscience to AI. By better understanding how the brains of insects and animals, and eventually our own brains, the Brain2Bot team believes we will someday be able to create robots and machines that are as adaptable, intelligent, and even emotional as biological life.
Watch Newquist's full ESC keynote, “Want a Real R2D2? A New Approach to AI is Forming” below, where he discusses how creating “natural” intelligence rather than “artificial” is the way forward for engineering.
For more on Brain2Bot be sure to read our feature story.
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