OmniVision's News 2-Megapixel SOC Sensors

DN Staff

September 1, 2010

1 Min Read
OmniVision's News 2-Megapixel SOC Sensors

OmniVisionTechnologies' two new system-on-a-chip (SOC) CMOS image sensors, the OV2643 and OV2659, are designed toaddress the increased demand for 2-megapixel resolution cameras in the mid- tolow-end feature phone segment.

The two new SOC sensors with advanced image signalprocessing offer quality and functionality comparable to many high-performancedigital still cameras, including 720p native HD video at 30 frames persecond, excellent sensitivity and high-quality image capture. Additionally,they are designed to meet the cost, size and performance requirements of thehighly segmented camera phone market.

Designed for cost-sensitive applications, the OV2659 isbuilt on OmniVision's 1.75-micron OmniPixel3-HSTM architecture, which achieveslow-light sensitivity of 950 mV/lux-sec. The OV2659's 1/5-inch optical formatand ultra-low profile (4 mm) fits the industry-standard 6.5 x 6.5 mm cameramodule size for handset applications.

The OV2643 targets more performance-centric applications,implementing OmniVision's advanced
2.2-micron OmniPixel3-HS architecture, which achieves a sensitivity of 1250mV/lux-sec. The OV2643's 1/4-inchoptical format also fits the critical 6.5 x 6.5 mm camera module size.

Both sensors offer automatic image control functions, whichinclude automatic exposure control, automatic white balance and automaticblack-level calibration. They also feature all standard image quality controlssuch as color saturation, hue, gamma, sharpness (edge enhancement), lenscorrection, defective pixel canceling and noise canceling. The OV2643 alsofeatures black sun cancelation.

The OV2643 and OV2659 are sampling now and are expected toenter mass production in Q4 2010.

OmniVision's News 2-Megapixel SOC Sensors

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