Ultrasonic Motor Powers Line of Linear Positioning StagesUltrasonic Motor Powers Line of Linear Positioning Stages
April 26, 2010

MOTION CONTROL: Piezo system specialist Physik Instrumente announced the M-692 series of low-profile, ultrasonic linear translation stages designed for high-speed positioning tasks with limited space.
These stages are the lowest profile, closed-loop, linear motor-equipped, micropositioning systems in the industry. Two standard versions are available: M-692.1U4 with 20mm stroke and M-692.2U4 providing 90mm. Both versions are equipped with integrated linear encoders for backlash-free positioning. The stages can be arranged to form compact XY systems.
The M-692 design is scalable and can be varied to provide different travel ranges to 300 mm for OEM quantities. Vacuum-compatible versions are also available on request.
For optimum performance, the highly specialized C-867 motion controller is available. This dedicated ultrasonic motor controller also integrates the drive electronics to generate the ultrasonic oscillations for the piezoceramic element. Furthermore, the controller features a number of special characteristics to address the requirements of ultrasonic motors such as continuous automatic drive frequency adjustment and dynamic parameter switching for optimized dynamics and settling behavior.
Advantages of PILine® Micro Positioning Systems
Stable: Self-Locking at Rest, with no Energy Consumption
Very Low Profile: 14mm (0.6 inch Height)
Closed Loop: Integrated Linear Encoder for Backlash-Free Positioning
Fast: Ultrasonic Linear Motor provides Velocity to 350 mm/sec (14 inches/sec)
Cost-Effective Design; Scalable for OEM Applications
Compact XY Combinations Possible
Non-Magnetic & Vacuum Compatible Versions
-Edited by Kelsey Anderson
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