PC-based productPC-based product
April 20, 1998
1 Min Read
REALoop(TM) PC-based product offers real-time interaction with the real world and transforms the PC, running The MathWorks' MATLAB(reg)/SIMULINK(reg) simulation tool, into a real-time simulation system. REALoop runs in real time with SIMULINK under Windows 3.x, 95, or NT under Pentium PCs. REALoop communicates with the real world through ISA-bus boards such as D/A, A/D, and digital I/O. The users see the graphic part of REALoop as a single SIMULINK-Block with a dialogue box that can be dragged into every SIMULINK-Block model.
XANALOG Corp., 212 Main St., North Reading, MA 01864, FAX (978) 276-0662.
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