Lead-Free Acronym ListingLead-Free Acronym Listing

DN Staff

June 21, 2005

1 Min Read
Lead-Free Acronym Listing

ASO - Silver tin oxide
Ag - Silver, chemical symbol
Bi, Bismuth, chemical symbol
Cd - Cadmium, chemical symbol
Cr (VI) - Hexavalent chromium, chemical symbol
CRT - Cathode ray tube
EEE - Electrical and electronic equipment
ELV - End of life vehicles, EU directive
EU - European Union
Green - Used to describe RoHS-compliance component
Hg - mercury, chemical symbol
IT - Information technology
LFS - lead free soldering
Material declaration - format used to communicate the material content of a component
NiAu - nickel and gold, chemical symbols
Pb - lead, chemical symbol
Pb-Free - Lead free. Implies free of the other five hazardous materials in RoHS as well
PCB - printed circuit board
PVC - poly vinyl chloride
RoHS - Regulation of Hazardous Materials produced by the European Union
SAB - Tin, silver, bismuth alloy
SABC - Tin, silver, bismuth, copper alloy
Sn - Tin, chemical symbol
WEEE - Waste from Electrical and Electronic Equipment, a European directive

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