Featured product 2-2-98Featured product 2-2-98
February 2, 1998
February 2, 1998
Composite-lined bearing tolerates hostile environments
John Lewis, Northeast Technical Editor
The new FluoroNyliner Bushing Bearing from Thomson Industries provides smooth, low-friction linear and rotary operation in harsh environments. Thomson's latest linear bearing product uses the same compensation-gap design concept as the Nyliner achieving close running tolerances of 0.001-inch clearance on a 0.750-inch I.D. bearing, but bonded to the bearing's I.D. is a PTFE (poly tetra flouro ethylene) tape.
The tape is a proprietary mix of supporting fillers and PTFE lubricant that continuously lubricates the mating shaft, eliminating routine relubrication in the maintenance schedule. The liner is unaffected by chemical degradation while maintaining its high performance characteristics, and withstands shock and vibration, temperatures up to 600F, high speed and rapid acceleration, short strokes, weld spatter, machining debris, cutting fluids, slurries and aggressive chemicals, and vacuum.
The FluoroNyliner Bushing Bearing is available worldwide through Thomson distributors. It comes in standard inch and metric sizes (both ISO and JIS), in closed, open and self-aligning designs. Limiting velocity is 140 ft/min (0.71 m/sec) dry and 400 ft/min (2.0 m/sec) lubricated with a maximum pressure of 1,500 psi (10.34 MPa) and a PV of 10,000 psi-ft/min (20 MPa-m/sec).
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