Gadget Freak Case 164: Let an MCU Feed Your PetsGadget Freak Case 164: Let an MCU Feed Your Pets
May 13, 2010

Pet ownerswho want to spend a day hiking, at the beach, shopping at the mall or even aweekend far from home can build an automatic pet feeder to dispense water anddry food at a preset time. Tom Thompson, Julie Redmond, Curtis Siebenaller andNathan Woodworth at Colorado State University explain how to combine electronicand mechanical devices to do just that. Their design would satisfy even Morris,the world's most finicky cat.
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Gadget Freak Case 164 Let an MCU Feed Your Pets A
Amt | Part Description | Allied Part # |
1 | NTE392 Transistor | 935-8009 |
1 | TIP120 Transistor | 568-1140 |
3 | PN2222A Transistor | 568-1125 |
2 | DPDT Relay | 788-1089 |
1 | 24x2 Character LCD | 355-0020 |
1 | 16x2 Character LCD | 355-0010 |
4 | 0.1 I.25F Ceramic Capacitors | 541-0340 |
1 | 0.1 I.25F Polyester Capacitor | 862-2142 |
13 | 100-ohm Resistor, 1/4W | 296-6638 |
8 | 1000I(C) Resistor, 1/4W | 296-4741 |
1 | 10kI(C) Resistor, 1/4W | 296-4743 |
2 | 1MI(C) Resistor, 1/4W | 296-6331 |
4 | 3MI(C) Resistor, 1/4W | 296-6574 |
1 | 1500I(C) Resistor, 1/4W | 895-0540 |
1 | 3000I(C) Resistor, 1/4W | 895-3159 |
3 | 6000I(C) Resistor, 1/4W | 895-0605 |
4 | 1N5059 Diode, 2A | 431-0632 |
3 | 12I(C) Resistor, 2W | 296-2323 |
1 | Heatsink for NTE392 | 619-0087 |
1 | Heatsink for TIP120 | 296-6966 |
3 | 18-Pin DIP Socket | 374-5536 |
1 | 28-Pin DIP Socket | 374-5548 |
2 | Infrared LED | 387-0014 |
2 | Photo-transistors | 387-1799 |
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