Floating tallbike couch thingFloating tallbike couch thing
August 30, 2010
I don’t really categorize my articles here on Design News, but if I did it might take me a while to figure out exactly how to categorize this one.
Rat Patrol OZ is a group of people in Australia who make bikes of all sorts out of scrap. Tall bikes, really tall bikes, short bikes, bizarre choppers with suspensions, and other interesting arrangements.
But the bike that I’m writing about, as you can see from the picture, is over the top even for this group. It’s a tall bike, with a couch instead of a bicycle seat. It has wheels, and can be ridden on land. But the wheels have paddles, and there’s a frame under there with pontoons attached, so it can go in the water as well. It has a table that can hold your beer. I’m not completely sure, but I think you steer by spinning the table around. Just be sure you keep an eye on your beer. The pontoons are made from 55 gallon plastic drums with the ends cut off, epoxied together, and filled with expanding foam insulation.
Rat Patrol OZ has some improvements planned, like a parasol and fold out bed. This is a project to keep your eye on.
Steve Ravet
Design News Gadgeteer
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