Sentinel 3+ Battery Monitoring TransducerSentinel 3+ Battery Monitoring Transducer

DN Staff

March 31, 2011

1 Min Read
Sentinel 3+ Battery Monitoring Transducer

LEM's Sentinel 3+ is a battery-monitoring transducer that measuresthe voltage, temperature and impedance of cells and complete batteries inuninterruptible power supply (UPS) installations of all sizes up to mega-wattback-up power supplies for data centers and hospitals. Sentinel 3+ reports itsmeasurements - on valve-regulated lead-acid (VRLA), gel or flooded stationarybatteries - to supervisory systems over a dedicated communications bus, andoffers a unique capability to assess the true state-of-health of UPS batterieswhile they are in service. Sentinel 3+ gives complete confidence that batteryarrays will deliver their rated power when called on to do so, and identifiesweak and failing cells without the need to remove them from service for cyclingtests.

Technology developments suchas the availability of fast insulated-gate bipolar transistors (IGBTs) reducecosts by eliminating transformers from their circuit configurations. Thebattery packs that the Sentinel product monitors are operated in a floatingvoltage mode: the battery is subjected to higher ripple currents, and themonitoring circuitry must handle high common-mode voltages, with superimposedhigh-amplitude, fast transients.

LEM's Sentinel 3+ has upgradedalgorithms to address more challenging measurement environments and improved EMCimmunity and enhanced robustness. Sentinel 3+ delivers voltage measurementsover a range of 0.9 to 16 V with an accuracy of +/-0.5 percent; impedancemeasurement from 0.05 to 250 mO with repeatability of +/-2 percent.Sentinel 3+ features Common Mode Transient Immunity up to 20 kV/musec with acommon-mode voltage level of +/-600 V, and a transient repetition rate of 20kHz.
Sentinel 3+ Battery Monitoring Transducer

Sentinel 3+ Battery Monitoring Transducer

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