Digital Storage OscilloscopeDigital Storage Oscilloscope
January 10, 2011
B&KPrecision replaces their model 2530 digital storageoscilloscope (DSO) with the new compact model 2530B.Priced as an entry-level DSO, the 2530B has a bandwidth of 25 MHz, a 500 MSa/ssampling rate and two input channels. This DSO is designed and priced to suiteducational use, but also satisfies basic industry applications.
The 2530B features a 5.7 inch color display, advanced triggering capabilities,mask testing, digital filtering, remote PC connectivity, waveform recorder, acontext-sensitive help feature, multi-language interface and 32 automaticmeasurements.
With its large internal storage, 2530Busers can save and recall up to 20 different oscilloscope setups and 10different waveforms from internal memory. Five available mathoperations-addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and FFT-offeradditional analysis tools.
The USB device port on the front panel allows quick saving of setup andwaveform data, screenshots, or CSV files to a USB flash drive. The 2530B's longwaveform memory of up to 32,000 points provides the user with longer capturetimes and more detail on signals versus other entry-level oscilloscopes.Educators can request a code to disable the AutoSet button to help teachstudents how to set up the scope manually.
Model 2530B are priced at $449 and additional technical specifications,accessories, and support documents are available online at
Digital Storage Oscilloscope
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